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当前位置:首页 > 建筑知识 > 土木学生  >  中文摘要-某框架剪力墙结构高层办公楼毕业设计


发布日期:2020-02-02 21:54:19来源:土木工程网责任编辑:土木龙



    我的设计内容主要是结构设计,毕业设计是土木工程专业的必修课程,我的设计是办公楼设计,设计采用钢筋混凝土现浇框架--剪力墙结构,建筑层数为十一层,地上十层,地下一层,建筑总高度39.9 m,总建筑面积10174.32㎡,其中地下室占地面积为1017.47㎡。根据设计要求,设防烈度为7度,抗震等级为二级,设计中要考虑抗震设计。设计包括结构部分、楼梯、基础等。根据任务书定出各层平面图及平面布置。本方案主体结构为双向承重框架—剪力墙结构。在进行荷载计算和构件截面估算后,选取了一榀框架—剪力墙进行计算,计算内容包括框架梁、框架柱、剪力墙、连梁的截面尺寸的选取及线刚度的计算;恒载、活载、地震作用下梁端、柱端、剪力墙、连梁的弯矩、剪力的计算;框架、剪力墙、连梁的内力组合;框架梁柱配筋计算;楼梯配筋计算及基础设计。框架受力钢筋主要采用Ⅲ级钢筋,箍筋主要采用Ⅰ级钢筋,楼梯采用钢筋混凝土梁板式楼梯;由于上部结构荷载较大,地基土存在软弱层,基础采用钢筋混凝土筏板基础。整个方案设计基本符合设计和结构要求,具有一定的合理性。

土木工程  钢筋混凝土结构  框架—剪力墙结构      筏板基础  恒载  活载  地震作用    荷载设计值  荷载效应   结构计算   概念设计

Framework - shear wall structure, also known as FRAME-SHEAR WALL structure, widely used in public office and high-rise building, also used in large high-rise hotel design, and mine is in this type.The type of this structure is flexible in space, and the building is easy to meet the demands ,and also a certain amount of shear walls, making it a strong earthquake capacity, while the shear wall set up, reducing the Level load structure under the sway, to avoid filling masonry wall in the quake severely damaged and collapsed. Therefore, in the earthquake zone to adopt the framework of the structure, to give priority optional FRAME-SHEAR WALL structure. Chuan Wenchuan four of the last major earthquake, serious damage, the structure will be better able to explain the importance of doing perfect.

I design the content is mainly structural design, civil engineering graduate design is a compulsory course, my office building design is design, design a framework of cast-in-place reinforced concrete - shear wall structure, building a 10 storeys to the ground 10 layer, a layer of the ground floor, building height of 39.9 m, a total construction area of 10174.32 square meters, which covers an area of the basement to 1017.47 square meters. According to the design requirements, the intensity of seven degree of security, seismic rating for the two, to consider the design of seismic design. Including the design of the structure of the stairs, the foundation. According to the mandate set of floor plans and layout of each floor. The programme for the two-way load-bearing structure of the main framework - shear wall structure. Load component in the calculation and estimates section, select a Pin framework - a shear wall, the calculation includes the framework of beams, columns, shear walls, even the size of the beam section and select the stiffness of the calculation; constant load , The live load, under earthquake Beam, column-, shear walls, and even beam the moment, shear the calculation; framework, shear walls, beam combination of internal forces; framework reinforced beams calculated reinforced staircases The basis of calculation and design. The framework of reinforced steel bars used mainly Ⅲ level, the main use of stirrups Ⅰ-class steel, reinforced concrete beams using the stairs plate staircase; larger load because of the upper structure, the existence of weak foundation soil layer, based on a reinforced concrete raft foundation. The basic design of the entire programme with the design and structural requirements, have a certain reasonable.
Through the office building floor plans, profiles, construction and structure of the plan is drawing the design, familiar with the design of the entire process, and can skillfully use AuToCAD, Tianzheng mapping software, and familiar with the application of the PKPM, mastered the structural design calculations The basic method, the completion of the graduate creative design task. At the same time, the study by the University of the basic concepts and expertise gained a deeper understanding, so as to enhance the analysis and the ability to solve practical problems.

Key word:
  Civil Engineering   Reinforced Concrete Structures   Framework - shear wall structure   Beam  Liang plate staircase    Raft foundation
 dead load  Live load   Earthquake   Load design value   Load effect  Structural calculations  



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